Friday, January 1, 2010

" TRY" for the next 365 days!

So this is 2010!

I have decided that since every new year begins with a new years resolution, i shall use this year to discontue this tradition. Instead of resolutions and promises that are easily forgotten or broken with in the first 3 months of stating one, i am implementing the new years TRY list.
you see if you start to add things to your TRY list you actually have given great effort and an attempt has been made on what you are "trying" to try.
Have i confused you?

Its really quite simple. here is an example...
i will try...
1. to listen to others more.
2. to helps others.

now 1. if you just listened to what i was saying you have already accomplished your trying task. you simply gave the effort wether it was perfect in nature or just a half hearted attempt you still actually tried!
now 2. If you told someone the time, or gave directions, or opened a door, or even helped someone cross the street you accomplished your try task 2.

See I think if everyone thought more like this things would quite simply get accomplished. everyone would be happier. Trying something is just that ...trying.

My new years Trying list is as follows:
Try to:
1. Love more
2. help others
3. help myself
4. believe in myself
5. believe in others
6. lose 15 pounds
7. thank God more
8. talk less
9. smile more
10. give to others
11. share my thoughts and feelings
12. spend more quality time with my daughter and hubby.

this list could go on and on but you knw what? I will have done every single one of them by years end. I will bet any single one of you out there that i can do this. Prove me otherwise or better yet prove yourself by tryin to prove me wrong! lol